Square Root of X is Uniformly Continuous
$\sqrt x$ is uniformly continuous
Solution 1
Let $\epsilon > 0.$ Pick $\delta = \epsilon^2.$ Then for $|x-y| < \delta$ we have
$$|\sqrt x - \sqrt y|^2 \leq |\sqrt x - \sqrt y||\sqrt x + \sqrt y| = |x-y| < \epsilon^2 \implies |\sqrt x - \sqrt y| < \epsilon. $$
Solution 2
We'll prove that $f(x) = \sqrt{x}$ is uniformly continuous on $\mathbb{R}_+$. Indeed, $[0,1]$ being a compact set, $f$ is uniformly continuous on this interval. On the other hand, on $[1,\infty), f$ is Lipschitz, and hence is uniformly continuous. Hence we are now done.
Solution 3
The explanation is from Jonathan Kane's textbook "Writing Proofs in Analysis". Which asks the reader to observe the behavior of the function $f(x,y)=\frac{\vert x-y\vert}{\sqrt{x}+\sqrt{y}}=\vert\sqrt{x}-\sqrt{y}\vert$. The natural step is to restrict the "size" of $\vert x-y\vert$ so that as $x,y\to\infty$ then so does $\sqrt{x}+\sqrt{y}$, which leads to $\frac{\vert x-y\vert}{\sqrt{x}+\sqrt{y}}\to 0$. But a seeming roadblock arises as $x,y\to 0$ since that would make the denominator approach $0$ as well. However, the problem disappears when we realize that if $\sqrt{x}+\sqrt{y}\to 0$ then $\vert \sqrt{x}-\sqrt{y}\vert\to 0$ or if $\sqrt{x}+\sqrt{y}\to \infty$ then $\frac{\vert x-y\vert}{\sqrt{x}+\sqrt{y}}=\vert\sqrt{x}-\sqrt{y}\vert\to 0$. Hence, if the given $\epsilon>0$ is such that $\sqrt{x}+\sqrt{y}<\epsilon$, then $\vert\sqrt{x}-\sqrt{y}\vert<\epsilon$ and we are done. On the other hand, if $\sqrt{x}+\sqrt{y}\geq\epsilon$, then $\frac{\vert x-y\vert}{\sqrt{x}+\sqrt{y}}<\frac{\vert x-y\vert}{\epsilon}$ and we only need to compute for $ \frac{\vert x-y\vert}{\epsilon}<\epsilon$ to get $\vert x-y\vert<\epsilon^2$.
Solution 4
We let $ \epsilon > 0 $
We have that $ | x - y | < \delta $ .
We choose that $ \delta = \epsilon^2 $
We then note the following result.
$ | f(x) - f(y) | = | \sqrt{x} - \sqrt{y} | = \sqrt{ | \sqrt{x} - \sqrt{y}|^2} \leq \sqrt{ | \sqrt{x} - \sqrt{y}| | \sqrt{x} + \sqrt{y} |} = \sqrt{ | x - y | } < \sqrt{\delta} = \epsilon$
$ \square $
Solution 5
Let's try a more general approach using the mean value theorem. Let $f=x^\alpha$ and suppose $x<y$. Since $y^{\alpha}-x^\alpha=(y-x) \alpha c^{\alpha-1}$ for $x<c<y$. So for $0< \alpha<1$ we thus have
$$y^\alpha-x^{\alpha}\le (y-x)\alpha y^{\alpha-1}\le \alpha(y-x)$$
for $y\ge 1$, which shows that $f$ is uniformly continuous on $[1, \infty)$ and clearly is uniformly continuous on $[0,1]$. Thus, if $0<\alpha<1$, $f$ is uniformly continuous on $[0,\infty)$.
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Prove that the function $\sqrt x$ is uniformly continuous on $\{x\in \mathbb{R} | x \ge 0\}$.
To show uniformly continuity I must show for a given $\epsilon > 0$ there exists a $\delta>0$ such that for all $x_1, x_2 \in \mathbb{R}$ we have $|x_1 - x_2| < \delta$ implies that $|f(x_1) - f(x_2)|< \epsilon.$
What I did was $\left|\sqrt x - \sqrt x_0\right| = \left|\frac{(\sqrt x - \sqrt x_0)(\sqrt x + \sqrt x_0)}{(\sqrt x + \sqrt x_0)}\right| = \left|\frac{x - x_0}{\sqrt x + \sqrt x_0}\right| < \frac{\delta}{\sqrt x + \sqrt x_0}$
but I found some proof online that made $\delta = \epsilon^2$ where I don't understand how they got? So, in order for $\delta =\epsilon^2$ then $\sqrt x + \sqrt x_0$ must $\le$ $\epsilon$ then $\frac{\delta}{\sqrt x + \sqrt x_0} \le \frac{\delta}{\epsilon} = \epsilon$. But then why would $\epsilon \le \sqrt x + \sqrt x_0? $ Ah, I think I understand it now just by typing this out and from an earlier hint by Michael Hardy here.
It's not defined on $\mathbb R$, which is one of the first conditions for continuity.
What you get for delta really depends on how you approach the problem. It can be different and not really necessary to reconcile.
Why do you think it is uniformly continuous on $\mathbb R^{\geq 0}$?
Thanks but I wanted to know how to do it the way I mentioned it above.
Sure, you can detail the above answer using $\epsilon-\delta.$ Indeed, by uniform continuity on $[0,1],$ you'll get a $\delta_1.$ On $[1,\infty),$ you'll get a $\delta_2 = \epsilon/M$ say, where $M$ is the Lipschitz constant. Then the minimum of the two deltas works.
From where the motivation of $\delta = \epsilon^2$ came from?
@ramanujan Intuitively, my guess is, since the function involves a square root, maybe that's why the idea of $\varepsilon^2$ came....
Why does $\left|\sqrt{x}-\sqrt{y}\right|^2<\varepsilon^2$ imply $\left|\sqrt{x}-\sqrt{y}\right|<\varepsilon$?
@AlJebr The square root function is strictly increasing and the quantities involved are non-negative. Therefore $\lvert \sqrt x - \sqrt y \rvert = \sqrt{\lvert \sqrt x - \sqrt y \rvert^2} < \sqrt{\epsilon^2} = \epsilon$.
$\newcommand{\abs}[1]{\left\vert #1 \right\vert}$I'm struggling to justify the step $\abs{\sqrt{x} - \sqrt{y}}^2 \le \abs{\sqrt{x} - \sqrt{y}}\abs{\sqrt{x} + \sqrt{y}}$. Is it a general truth of expressions of the form $\abs{a - b}$?
@Anakhand By the triangle inequality, $|a-b| \leq |a| + |b| = a+b = |a+b|$ whenever $a,b$ are non-negative. Apply this to one of the factors $|\sqrt x - \sqrt y|$ in $|\sqrt x - \sqrt y|^2$.
Sorry to comment on an older post but in the first case, instead of $|x-y|<\varepsilon(\sqrt{x}+\sqrt{y})<2\varepsilon$ wouldn't it make more sense to say $|x-y|<\varepsilon(\sqrt{x}+\sqrt{y})\leq\varepsilon^2$ and then have $\delta = \varepsilon^2$?
@Raghav what, if $x\in [0,1]$ and $y\in [1,∞)$ ? Is your value of delta works for this case too?
Hi, can you please explain why f is uniformly continuous on [0, 1]?
@Akash Patalwanshi Good point, I've always wondered I wonder the same
Source: https://9to5science.com/sqrt-x-is-uniformly-continuous
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